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  • Collection: Rear-View Mirror: A Snapshot of Toronto Activist Art

The Working People's Picture Show was a play based on skits developed by the Company of Sirens that toured across Ontario. Pictured are Aida Jordan and Cynthia Grant.

Commissioned by Organized Working Women

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A billboard against the Free Trade Agreement of 1989 and the current NAFTA agreement being negotiated between the US, Mexico and Canada

Artcite (artist-run centre), Windsor.

The Whole Loaf Theatre (1976-1995) was founded by Sara Barker and David Anderson to develop upon popular theatre forms for shows in public spaces. Their shows were motivated by their progressive political views. Between 1976-1980 Sara and David…

A poster depicting the trap of welfare that keeps people in poverty and how it's used as a threat to the working poor.

Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) and Metro Labour Council

Cover for book by poet Krisantha Sri Bhaggiyadatta

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Pat Jeffries Neo Nazi Clean. Prop for 1985 Heretics video.

Mike Constable tempting the A.I.Bee with a big dollar on a string.

Poster for march by the Independent Artists Union (IAU) protesting cuts to the arts

The Whole Loaf Theatre built huge puppets for outdoor spectacles. Over the years its giant pageants were part of many marches and demonstrations and were performance at many folk festivals and schools.

Produced with donations from audiences,…
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